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How to Get Cast on a Netflix Reality Show

How to Get Cast on Netflix Reality Shows: Stars Weigh In!

Ever wondered how to get cast on a Netflix reality show? We break down the audition process and provide tips from reality TV stars here!
Netflix DVD Rental alternatives dvds-by-mail where to rent dvds

DVD Rental Alternatives to Netflix

Now that Netflix is shutting down its DVD-by-mail service, here are some alternative ways ways to rent physical media.
SISI Awards

2nd Annual SISI Awards- The Results Are In!

Let your voice be heard! Vote for your favorites in TV, movies, and streaming in our second annual SISI Awards!
Warner Bros Discovery Cancelled

Everything Cancelled Since the Warner Bros Discovery Merger

Batgirl was just the tip of the iceberg. Here's a list of the shows and movies on the chopping block as Warner Bros Discovery cuts costs.
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